Sunday, June 1, 2008

Statement of Faith for a Mile Marker on Life's Journey

We held a Service of Blessing for our graduating high school seniors today.
This is the Faith Statement we spoke in unison.

We journey together as people of faith who seek to step firmly and confidently upon the path God has created for us, the trail mapped and marked for us by Jesus himself. Inspired by God’s Spirit, we move gracefully and yet with purpose on this excursion through life.

We rely on the directions we have received, the maps we have been learning to interpret. Scripture guides us with this clear starting point: God loves us. To navigate our way, we love God in return, and we demonstrate that by loving others without reservation.

We understand that some parts of our journey will be challenging, sometimes seemingly impossible. We remain encouraged to move forward in hope, trusting that with God, all things are possible. Amen.

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