Monday, December 8, 2008

Advent 3 Wreath Lighting: Point

Having known Jesus forever—since the time their pregnant mothers had bumped bellies together and the yet-born babies had danced—John resonated with the hope and promise made tangible in his cousin, the people’s Messiah.

He couldn’t help himself, that peculiar fellow.

As attention-grabbing as a flashing orange arrow placed to warn highway drivers of an upcoming lane shift,

John the Baptist was compelled to aim people in the direction of Jesus.

Those of us who have followed the detour and have discovered the saving goodness of the Lord of Love,

Wouldn’t we want to wave our arms and whistle and point so that others might have their attention grabbed and directed toward Jesus as well?

We pray:

We light a candle to be a bold, luminous road sign marking the journey for ourselves and others. Illuminate our route to Christmas. Amen.

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